
Managing globally – acting locally

"In its business activities HellermannTyton is committed to the sustainable protection of our natural resources. Our environmental policy is based on this fundamental principle and hence our system of environmental management too. However, the following environmental guidelines apply."

Environmental standard
We pursue corporate environmental protection on our own initiative and responsibility with a view to handling our natural resources with care and for the benefit of our customers, business partners and employees. Observing the legal and official regulations is the minimum requirement for us. We strive to achieve better environmental standards.

Economics and ecology
In the development, production and procurement of our high-quality products, we employ the most environmentally friendly technology available as far as this is economically justifiable and ecologically sound.

Environmental impacts
We assess the environmental impacts of our new products and processes as well as the impacts of current activities. All significant environmental impacts of our business activities are repeatedly tested and monitored.

Environmental protection activity
Continuous efforts to avoid and reduce our environmental influence and to achieve ecological efficiency shape our operations. More than 90 % of our finished plastic components are suitable for material recycling. Details of the constituent materials are available for every component. We ensure that they contain no prohibited substances.

Communication, information and responsibility
We promote and train the environmental awareness of employees at all levels in the company. Managers are  responsible for the environmental compatibility of the activities within their sphere of influence. Together with our business partners and with the public, we enter into and identify solutions for our progressive environmental protection. We also manage closely the environmental impacts emanating from our premises.

To guarantee adherence to the guidelines of our environmental policy, we have integrated into our business strategy an environmental management system in accordance with BS EN ISO 14001:2015.  The business success and safeguarding our local environment have the same priority as our corporate environmental standard. We are convinced that environmental protection and cost-effectiveness are mutually dependant and complementary.